Introducing Our Brands

We manufacture and market the delicious food products of Hakata, in Kyushu, including Hakata karashi-mentaiko (salted cod roe seasoned with red pepper) made using only the truly delicious fish roe produced in Hokkaido. Our brand name contains allusions to food so delicious that even an empress would delight in it.

This brand is for products containing no chemical seasonings or preservatives, and is supervised by the head chef of the Kayanoya natural food restaurant. We sell seasonings and food products made from raw materials painstakingly selected by the head chef and carefully flavored to be easily usable in the home. We sell a series of dashi soup stocks, such as the popular Kayanoya Dashi, as well as shoyu, Tare sauces, sauce-type seasonings, rice dish flavorings, condiments, etc.